Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Shock of Color

Traveling back home after running errands, the sun has all but disappeared behind the clouds. There is much road construction these days. Concrete and asphalt cover much of what was once wilderness to make room for our ever quickening pace of life. This winter has been unusually harsh for Florida and even the evergreens have muted their colors. The Oaks, usually hardy, have loosed some of their foliage and are looking a little sad. The non-evergreen have completely shed their colors and now look like stick fingers or twisted knots protruding from the ground. Every thing is dimmer. The creatures of the earth try to co-habitate with us as well as they can. The eagle, the Osprey and the Hawk somehow manage to look just as majestic sitting on a power lines, though I'd prefer to see them in the trees.
I long for the colors of spring. But even in winter we get reminders that the cycle of life continues. The birth critter babies and human babies remind us and so too the singing birds. And sometimes a shock of color.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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